Friday, January 30, 2009


um so. i'm here. chilling out. i'm irked. not fully irked but reasonably bugged that if you crossed my path, i would chew you out. i didn't get to do my adventure for the week. i guess i'll have to save it for another week. i think you can't trust anyone in life. you're just going to get hurt. you know what? i'm so tired of being miserable. i want to open up and be me.. but it's so hard when you're the oldest child. i have to usually keep things to myself but i can't. i don't usually explode but i really need to. i'm going to burst. i want me. i'm ready. i wish i didn't care what other people thought of me but i do. it's human instinct. well.. i really hope no one reads this. but if you are reading here's some fair warning: i might explode soon. please forgive me when i do.

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